I'm doing a Gaelic course in the college, and I'm doing this course via the 'Ulpan' learning method -which is basically a 'fun' way of learning. Ulpan is a Welsh way of learning, you first start to repeat words, speak sentences and then gradually you begin to spell and write.
This Gaelic course is only short, it is part-time and is only for approximately twelve weeks.
So far the Gaelic course has been good, the classes have been fun and interesting, we learn a reasonable amount in the time given. We take part in a series of learning games with the use of cards and bingo games (so we come to terms with the words we have learned in the days lesson).
This way of learning is much different to the more formal methods used in schools, I feel it is much easier to understand and to participate as the classes are not dull and lifeless..
My college has recently been re-named as a 'university', so I guess I can now say I go to university haha..