Sunday 13 March 2011

Just a wee update

Ok, so as you all may have noticed.. I have'nt been onlline alot recently, Alots been going on and I guess I have just been stressed a bit -trying to get a job, hunting down my national insurance number, applying for college etc.. So yeah I have been a little un-organised up until now -Ok, VERY un-organised!

Hopefully I'll get a job soon, get my NI number, and will get accepted for college! Fingers crossed!

I recently got my laptop fixed, so I'm hoping to be 'blogging' a bit more to keep you updated.. Thats it for now, -keeping it short and sweet LOOOL!

Friday 11 February 2011

My previous mobile phones

My very first mobile phone was....

^My current mobile phone^

I am one of those people who are rather clumsy and always end up braking their stuff, because of this I am always having to buy a replacements..

A little random.. -A few of my favourite sweets

A few of my favourite sweets...





Homemade oat facemask

Making a homemade facial mask.. For this oat facial mask all you will need is oats and water, and thats it -easy and simple to make and use!

Firstly, clean your face with water only. Never use soap. Its best to open your pores with a hot face cloth before hand.

For a facial scrub, moisten oatmeal to a gooey texture, use it to scrub your face (avoiding your eyes). Wash off with cool water (to close your pores).

If you would like to make a paste with oatmeal, blend the oats until they are fine add just enough water to form a paste (as little or as much as you desire). Allow your homemade oat facial paste to dry, and remove with cool water.

I have used this recipe plenty of times in the past, not only is this oat recipe cheap in cost.. but it is also lovely to use. This recipe is suitable for all skin types (including dry skin).

Thursday 10 February 2011


Twitter is another social networking website (just like facebook). With twitter you can send and read messages (these are called tweets), one tweet can hold up to 140 characters, and well...basically the more 'tweets' you have the better.. Then there is 'followers' this is your friends list, yet again the more 'followers' you have the more 'popular' you look, when you want to see friends updates/tweets you 'follow' them and their tweets will show up on your hompage.. Many celebrities 'tweet' too, -like Katie Price, Lily Allen, Fearne Cotton.. and so on (a genuine celebrity will have a blue tick, so you can identify the fakes)

(If you have twitter follow me at; beccastwit_ )

Wednesday 9 February 2011


Facebook.. I'm pretty much addicted to it! I've had facebook for around two years now and I find it just the best thing ever for finding out the latest gossip, or even for when I'm just bored and fancy having a wee snoop on someones page.. Oh and I also find having a chat bar on facebook very handy to have too for when you want to talk to your friends, or to see who's online.. although fb chat seems to be 'uptating' or 'unavailable' quite alot.

Saturday 5 February 2011


YAAY Hollyoaks.. I first started watching Hollyoaks, what feels like ages ago! I first started watching it as it would be on every day as my mum would be watching it, YES my mum! That was a while back around the time Becca was stabbed in prison, Mel and Sophie (Justin's twin sisters) died in the fire, and Tom's mum and dad were in the car crash because he didn't put on his seat belt.. So I'm not too sure on dates or anything but i guess 2007 sometime?..

Hollyoaks is on telly every Mon-Friday night at 6.30, and the omnibus is on on a Sunday morning/afternoon
Ever since I was first introduced to Hollyoaks I have been addicted and if I ever miss and episode I have to catch up on E4 or watch the omnibus.. Hollyoaks have such good actors (like Tony Hutchinson) who has been in the show since it first started..

ALL of the MacQueen family are all just fab actors and are hilarious to watch, I can imagine them all getting along well in reality too..

Another thing I love about Hollyoaks is that the story lines are always great, they don't drag on for ages, you don't get bored or fed up of watching!